Friday, June 23, 2006

bimmer anyone?

The BMW 3series E46 is my favourite BMW car ever! a white bimmer would get me drooling.. darn..

Here's a couple of shots :-

okay, okay.. it's a M3 but still it makes me drool :p without failure

a white bimmer is ALWAYS my favourite.. darn, when can i afford this baby? *drooling*


Anonymous said...

Ohhh.. White Bimmer *big, watery eyes*.

Yum. Yum.


Why does Malaysia have to be one of the country with the most expensive price for cars? :(

Proton should just shut down and so we can be relieved of the extra 80% hefty tax we have to pay for them rides :(

:: Nicole.F :: said...

agreed! proton sux! hahaha.. the only proton i like is the satria GTI only.. but then if proton closed down, what cars would the middle income ppl (like me) would buy? hmmmmmmmmm.........