Friday, June 30, 2006

which month are you born in?

For me, i was born in March.. 18th March, 1981 to be exact..

This is me for being a March Baby :

- Attractive personality (Do I?)
- Sexy (Am I?)
- Affectionate Shy and reserved (SO true)
- Secretive (Not really)

- Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic (YES, for sure)
- Loves peace and serenity (Of course, who wouldn't?)
- Sensitive to others (yes, definately)
- Great kisser (Um, guys.. what do you think?)
- Easily angered (Danny, do you think I am?)
- Trustworthy (YEAP!)
- Appreciative and returns kindness (Duh, absolutely)
- Hardly shows emotions (Gosh, do I?)
- Tends to bottle up feelings (yea, doesn't girls are like that?)
- Observant and assesses others (Erm..........)

Okay, here's one for you Danny.. you're a January Baby so, read on :

- Handsome (Yes, to me *wink*)

- Loves to dress up (Kinda, getting more vain now)
- Easily bored (Don't think so)
- Fussy (Yeap, especially on clothes)
- Seldom shows emotions (Hmmmmmmm....)
- Takes time to recover when hurt (I agree)
- Sensitive (Oh boy, yup)
- Down-to-Earth (Very)
- Stubborn (TOTALLY!!)


Anonymous said...

Any interesting infos about a July baby? :p

:: Nicole.F :: said...

this is for u, fird..
-Fun to be with. Secretive.
-Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
-Quiet unless excited or tensed.
-Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation.
-Easily consoled.
-Concerned about people's feelings. -Tactful.
-Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
-Moody and easily hurt.
-Witty and sparkly.
-Spazzy at times.
-Not revengeful.
-Forgiving but never forgets.
-Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
-Guides others physically and mentally.
-Sensitive and forms impressions
-Caring and loving.
-Treats others equally.
-Strong sense of sympathy.
-Wary and sharp.
-Judges people through observations.
-No difficulties in studying.
-Loves to be alone.
-Always broods about the past and the old friends.
-Waits for friends.
-Never looks for friends.
-Not aggressive unless provoked. -Loves to be loved.

Anonymous said...

Whoah, it is scary on how most of the statements do match with my personality! @.@!

p/s: Thanks a lot nicole! :D

:: Nicole.F :: said...

no, problemo! :)