Ever since i've started this new job, i've been as busy as a bee.. no kidding..
This is my job title now
On my 3rd day of work, i had to go outstation.. went to KK and Kuching with my colleague to do setup at the airports.. then few days later, i had to attend meeting.. as for tomorrow i have another meetign to attend at 3.30pm and another one on thursday at 10am..
Every day after work at about 7pm, all i want to do is to take a shower, catch up with a few episodes of the HK chinese series and by 10.30pm or 11pm, i'll hit the bed.. THAT's my routine for now.. sigh~
And i'll be looking forward to every weekends.. that's the only time when i can have my quality time to myself and friends
Okies, i gotta go now.. lunch time is over.. TATA!
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
That is the working life :D , let's enjoy the work
the funny thins is, i've not think about resigning.. although i'm swamped with work and meetings
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