Ever since the BlackBerry becomes popular and people started raving about it, i've secretly wanted to get my hands on it.. but due to the stupid dummy phone at maxis, i can't access to the real phone to test it out..
Then as my friends got themselves a BB (mostly bold 9700), i'd asked them to tell/show me how does a BB works.. i fell in love after that.. i went home and googled the phone, it comes in black only :( hence many people (especially the girls) would zhng (to decorate) their BBs with colorful diamantes..
Since it comes in black only, so i'm not really keen to get it.. plus my trusty nokia E71 hasn't fail on me yet.. then a few months ago as i was browsing the web, i got to know that the BB will come in white! YAY!
So i waited and waited.. after a few months, i saw one of my friends on FB is selling the white BB.. my patience paid off! haha.. i messaged him instantly.. found out the price, got a nod from russ for approval to buy and then COD a few days after that..
Here's my new (2 weeks old) whiteBerry!
Yes, it's from T-mobile, singapore :D
The pouch is different from the black one, eh? :p
Although the camera is only 3.2MP but i can tell you that the picture quality is soooooooooooooo much better than the E71..
I've changed from prepaid to postpaid and took the BB plan from maxis.. i know that there's better plans out there but since i still want to keep my number, i got no other choice.. my plan is rm50 for calls, extra rm8 each month for sms-es (as i'm a sms person) and rm120 for the BB plan (data usage)..
It has only been 2 weeks since i bought the BB and now i can't live without it! it's addictive! uploading pictures has never been easier.. just snap and upload.. i used to snap with my camera, transfer to my laptop, edit and upload..
And i can keep in touch with russ so much easier :D way before i got my E71, i can only check my emails when i'm at home.. then with the E71, i can check my FB and emails.. but it was quite expensive as i was still using prepaid.. i had to constantly access to my email to check if russ had reply my emails or not.. BUT with the BB, i'd get a 'ping' every time i get a new email! so basically now, i can reply russ's email right after he sent it to me.. and if i'm lucky enough, he'd reply me instantly too! :)
Well, it has a good side and the bad for the 'push email' function.. the bad side is that it drains the BB's battery quite fast :( to tackle this problem.. i got myself a car charger! hehe..
SO, anyone out there has a BB too? we can BBM each other ;)
ps: i've never been an iphone fan so i won't be getting the new iphone 4.. russ asked me why don't i want the iphone.. well, i want to keep my nails long! :p plus i'm not a fan of touchscreen too :D
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
nice choice =) i got an upgrade of Storm 2 as well. mint~
i changed from maxis to digi. I think digi has a better plan :) and i can still keep my 012 number. Maybe u can consider that :)
grace: is the digi reception better?
it's pretty much the same to me. Same level of reception like maxis, i don't see any difference :)
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