I had enough.. just enough.. this blog is simply too pathetic.. i could see the number of visitors i'm getting is increasing BUT to those who care enough to leave a comment, let's see.. i could count with my 5 fingers on my hand.. one hand.. not hands.. regulars would be my bb, tony, alice and zewt.. the rest is just once awhile..
At first i wanted to put ads on my blog BUT after thinking thoroughly, i asked myself 'What for?' those people who are reading doesn't even bother to leave a comment or just to say hi.. so i doubt they would click on my ads! furthermore i just want this blog to be ALL me.. not expecting it to make money for myself and i don't want to tie down that i HAVE to post at least a post every day.. and to write some reviews about some service / products so that i could get paid.. i guess i'm just plain stupid..
*sigh* It really breaks my heart.. should i just delete EVERYTHING and never blog again or just continue yakking away ALL to myself only?
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
Hey Nic,
I read your blog.
I apologise for not leaving a comment sooner but I think your blog is great!
To be honest, it is good to keep a blog personal. It should reflect you. Don't cave in okay? :)
Take care & cheers!
hi renee,
thanks for leaving a footprint here.. my blog is just like a 'ghost' blog for as long as i could remember
hey there nic,
you got a nice blog. like the skin alot. and its updated frequantly as well from what i can see...
Keep up the good work ya. Hope to meet u and yor hubby one day in sunway. Love the beast, the godzilla!
thanks jd.. i stayed up the whole night to do the skin.. i mean to mod it a lil' to suit me
usually if ppl dont comment doesnt mean they dont care, might just be because some of us are of more of a reserved nature :) keep it coming anyways, i'm a daily reader and it'll be pretty depressing if i suddenly lose one good blog to read each day :)
hi ckwei,
thanks for dropping by :)
you have to decide whether you are blogging for yourself, or blogging for public entertainment. if you're blogging for yourself, whether you have zero commenters or a hundred shouldn't make a difference.
just blog because you love blogging. that's what i do. :)
p/s: i'm still in awe of your wishlist. you got the jack russell already? post pics! i love doggies!
u know i read urs right..
*pat on ur head*
cheer up girl..hehehehe..my blog also no commentors except u n russell lately only, also i dont care wan..cos i know my friends and others read them, just tht they probably dont wanna be noticed by me..muahahahha
still doing the msn thingie tho, i have no idea why isit like tht
hey nic.. u know i read ur blog regularly too! i comment sometimes as well what..
but sometimes after reading.. all i need to do its just to smile at myself and feel happy that im updated of your well being.. and i moved on lar.. not every post I have something to say gurl.. :)
Cheer up ok.. u r a good and dedicated blogger.. :)
Plus.. u have ur russ who read ur blog every so often.. unlike my kevin.. :(
Hi Nicole!! Ever since u & russ drop a few coment at mine sites,I drop by both of u sites everyday ( by leaving your coment I got your sites ).Yes I agree with u sometime u just wander if anyone read what u write how i wish all mine reader just drop a few line also.Anyway keep it up,just go on blogging just share your feeling,experiance etc u just might keep your reader happy. Have a nice day.
Oh dear, nicole, please don't close your blog, it will be a pity.Reading your blog is like knowing how you are doing although we do not meet up or hang out. Blogging about something doesnt necessarily need comments from ppl as long as you enjoy doing it.
It was funny how i found your blog, got hooked to reading it and finally met you in person.Its a very interesting blog thatca nnot be missed.
Although it does sometime seems that wheter is there anyone reading at all.There is, its just that mayb you dont notice it... But keep the good work, i will quite sad if a blog as fun as yours just disappears.
you must urself, do you blog for urself or u blog for others? if your answer is blog for others then u should just stop. just my 2 cents
u r a spoilt brat!
yea yea yea.. whatever.. if u think i'm such a spoilt brat AND my blog is unworthy for u to read, then 'x' that lil box on your top of the browser! or maybe, first of all don't come to MY site! duh~ and plus, my hubby doesn't mind spoiling me :P
to all readers: anyway, i'm not saying that i'm blogging for others.. just that i just feel a lil upset that i thought no one appreciate my blog.. u know when u do something and it goes un-noticed.. thanks y'all for your comments.. appreciate that :) now i know that ACTUALLY there are ppl do care :) *muacks*
Hi Nicole,
Love your blog! I'm glad to see there's another girl out there who are into cars :) Makes me wish I was in KL on the road again.
PS: I've deleted my blog several times because I never had/have anyone visiting it except very close friends and family but I enjoy rambling. It helps me relax and release my frustation.
anita : hello! welcome to my lil blog.. hehe.. oh, do u like cars too? anyways, don't wish u're in KL and on the road again.. make another wish.. quick! lol.. as ALL of us know, malaysia's road are lousy.. it's uneven (bumpy), potholes everywhere, flooded, cracking, sinking and etc *sigh* and yet we still keep on paying toll.. hahahaha... enough about the road, the major prob now are those mat rempits, road bullies, MAJOR traffic jams (due to more cars) and etc..
ps: do u know that the alphabets on the car plate change once every 2 weeks? like WPE change to WPF.. in like 2 weeks only!
hey girl..r u crazy or wat? dun u ever think about closing down ur blog ever again! coz it's such nice interesting blog n it will be such a waste of time if u r going to do so...
trust me, we all (ur beloved readers) like ur blog as much as u do....as one of ur frens there stated...some might b a lil reserved, likes to read but no intention to comment..dats it.
so....keep it on man...
Aiyah!! Nicole just blog to your heart content. Don't worry there will be people reading wan. It is just sometime don't know what to coment. Have a nice day.
Nicole, you better not close ur blog, if not i will start spamming ur email inbox, phone calls and sms u like mad =p hehehe joking only, Russ will kill me if i do that =p
Hie Nicole,
Sorry I have never left comments on your blog, just didnt know what to say! Well, just to say, I'm Maxine and I'm one of Russell's cousins(My mother is a Westwood, she and Russell's dad are cousins). HAHAHA. Long story eh? But yeah, so HIE! *waves*
I stumbled into your blog thru Russ's so hope you don't mind. I've never left comments in Russ's blog either, so hey Russell, if you're reading this :)
Nicole, don't close your blog, its interesting and nice to read! Oh, and welcome to the Westwood family. hahaha, trust me, ITS HUGE!
i'm a new reader, just keep up this effort of yours, don't do it for others, do it for yourself. and i love the template, it rocks
maxine: it has been great to be a 'Westwood' :) i haven't actually met all of you yet but i do hope i'd have the chance to when russell is back :)
to all the readers,
i am *teary eye* speechless of the comments u guys left here :) i'm sorry that i was down yesterday.. but now i've made up my mind to blog for MYSELF! even there's no comments OR readers :p coz this blog is the only place where i can rant.. besides to my hubby la.. hehe.. so i guess it'd be bad news to some ppl THAT i WON'T shut down my blog!! muahahahaha...
yeah stick to your decision. blogs are meant for ranting and talking and commenting on whatever it is you wanna say. freedom of speech! hehe. :)
yea but not too political :p~
Hehehe, thanks for all the support guys, hopefully now Nicole wont delete her blog from cyberspace.. hehehe.. :)
i enjoy reading your blog. keep it up. i stumbled upon it last year and periodically come back.
I found out you 'suddenly' got married, you share the same birthday as my wife, you spend too much time buying or wishing to buy things, and i agree with you being apart is a bad thing.
don't delete your blog love.
keep it going :) k
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