I HOPE you guys do actually miss me since i've been MIA (Missing In Action) for quite a long time.. erm... do you??
Anyways, i'm doing fine here.. it's been almost 5 days now since i came to penang with my hubby.. the first few days was the BESTEST days for this penang trip.. coz we drove here with tony and lovegoddess.. we shop eat shop eat shop eat AND swim.. we HAD an excellent time.. but too bad they have to leave so soon :'( they spent 3 days 2 nights with us (me & russ).. we rented an apartment ala hotel @ Paradise Sandy Bay and we got 70% discount off from it (thanks to my mum in-law).. every night we'd hang out at the living hall to chat and laughed at steewpid jokes made by tony :p~
Btw, me and my bb will be heading back to KL tomorrow together with his family coz we have a wedding to attend on saturday.. i won't be able to upload any pictures til i'm back home online using my MacBook.. sorry ya..
But do drop by once awhile for new updates!! :)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
i had good time being & chatting with you Nic..I just can't say this enough : you're just so sweet!
also wish i can be like you.. no need to be in mudhole 5days a week - gosh .. i'm so burned out
Lovegoddess : I also the same, right after i came back to work, work pilled on me like mad =.=" Stressed !!!
Nic,russ miss u guys alot man, those were my this years bestest days in PG ^_^ can't wait for ur to come back =p
Oh yea kidnap Reed for me will ya, gonna show him whos the man in KL >.<
Everyday I poke by hopping to c what r this lovely couple up to. Anyway I hope to c more pic. Have a nice day.
tony: reid is here in kl la..
lovegoddess: it was nice hanging out with u too.. i miss YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!
hor ny ang moh: thanks for dropping by :)
anonymous: whatever *eyes rolling*
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