We came across this at the Sony outlet :-

I thought that was a nice computer for our home BUT NO... i just found something better AND nicer.. plus of course it's MORE expensive.. DARN! why o why kurt? why did you blogged about 'IT'?? you're making me drool AND regret buying the MacBook so soon *sigh*
Yes, i'm talking about the new MacBook Air.. just check out the pictures below AND you'd know why i'm drooling all over it :-

It is REALLY THAT thin!!
ps: Windows Vista or OS X v10.5 Leopard?
I still preffer windows :P~
the MBA is pure form over function, priced way over the top for what it actually packs. i'd suggest u to go for higher-end vaio SZ or TZ models if u prefer a laptop, better bang for your buck. for a living room com, i'd suggest a 24" imac instead, those will serve their purpose well enough :)
most people would prefer windows but mac has got nice design & its own good functions :) decisions.. decisions :)
mac mac mac!!!
got to add this to my new wishlist. f**king gorgeous. hell it's an apple product. they always surpass in design. i want one!!
they both look so preetyyyy @__@
I would go for mac, cause sometimes I'm sick of PCs...
frankly, windows just suck. so obviously OS X is the way to go.
I have to say, the MBA is a bit of a airhead, lol. Looks over features. Take a look at the iMac. they had that design waaaay before Sony thought of it.
As an apple freak. i will always say, BUY A MAC!
My iBook is 4 years old and it has not crashed before.
Whilst my windows...well, let's just say that PC is in the junk shop for scraps.
Desktop? iMac FTW!
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