This monster baby produces 780bhp @ 1 bar.. man, that's insane.. i'd love to own this baby as my 2nd car but but... i got no rm200k to spare :( can't get loan as this baby is too old.. sigh.. just hope this baby will get a good new owner.. don't want to see a good car get wasted :P
ps: for the specs, click here
hi nic!
hehehe i read your blog just so you know
who's car is this... snt blackhowling a ZTH member?
ok nvm just clicked the link and all is answered hahah
Uncle Lam's car! So sad he's selling it. Dino is selling his R34 too. =(
I wonder what they're all upgrading to...
hahaha.. seems like Lam's car for sale is spreading around wide.. seriously, i would like to own this monster absolutely if i have 200k rather than buying any new car.. because this monster is perfectly done and mod.. just same as what nicole said.. hahaha.. hope Lam will get his best sale on that.. =)
farizio: hey, thanks for reading :) hope to meet ya again someday for tt but don't bully me, yah? :P
leo: i think dino is selling his car coz he's going oversea to work.. sad..
thiam loong: just wish i have rm200k to spare *sigh*
hmm.. me too, wouldnt mind that wide-body Supra if I had a spare 200k to burn :P
indeed, a nice car...
russ:if you going for this monster.. then your house will end up with 3 cars.. R34, Z, and this.. so you got a extra one ride.. by that time.. you can share share your R34 with me.. kakakaka... =)
thiam loong: so fast u eye-ing for the 'beast' huh? hahahaha..
the previous owner of this car is Chan Kim Leng?
anon: i do not know :)
Anonymous : i am the first owner untill now...chan kim leng wanted to buy this car since many years ago .. hand me 3 cheque as down payment...and i gave him my car since i trust his fren...but all 3 of them is bounced..ended up tons of shit with me at the penang police station months later as he hook up with some ah-long issue and such...while i have to spend alot of duit-kopi to pull my car out since its a "barang kes" and suppose to be remain at the police station untill the kcase is over...bet u know how many years later is that...took it out at not so nice condition, included of many missing parts...while chan kim leng lost himself from earth during that period...u know him?
lucky i didnt transfer the car owner's name to him yet...ended up case close as both ah long and kim ling sue each other while noting to do with MY CAR which is not kim ling's....
nicole:hahaha.. i'm always interested on the 'beast' than your Z.. kakaka.. hopefully you dont mind your bb to share share with me the 'beast' as you like cars so much.. hehehe..
anon: i'm sorry to hear that u went through so much trouble on your car but honestly i do not know who is chan kim ling.. i just saw your car being posted on zth for sale by TEAMADVAN.. i don't know him too..
heck, most ppl know the owner as uncle lam.. are u him? hmmm... *confused*
anonymous2: are u uncle Lam? If yes, pleased to meet u.. sorry to hear about the drama you had to put up with because of that guy.. your car looks very nice & I wouldnt mind buying it if I had an extra 200k to burn.. maybe in 2 years time? ;) Try not to sell your car la.. reserve for me ;) hehe, joking only, if u need to sell, im sure u have your reasons, but it is quite sad really..
if i had this car, i'll go to sepang during super GT and sneak into the pits, then join the race. no one will notice. hehehe awesome car
yes uncle lam.. knew him as we r from PG. but after he faced those $$ issues and disappeared till today.. and that was 10 yrs back :)
anon: huh? u mean u're uncle lam? and u are the one who wants to sell the supra on zth? and chan kim leng is the guy who owes u money?
TEAMADVAN = LAM- car owner...
1-chan kim leng try to buy from LAM (with bounced cheques).
2-chan kim leng owe ah long $...
3-ah long tow the car and tke off partsssss...
4-chan kim leng call police.
5-police call LAM as police found out owner is still LAM.
6-lam goes penang many times with many $$$ try to get back the car.
7-lam get back car...and dump lotsa $$$$$$$ to repair all loses....
oh.. thanks for explaining.. i was damn blur :P
anyway, i hope u'd find a good buyer :)
Wow, damn pitty u la uncle Lam.. 10 years the fellow still missing.. hopefully one day u will find him and give him a piece of your mind.. ;)
russ : hahaa....even if i get to bump on to him also no use ...all i will hear from him is "how? i got no $$"...
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