We've been mentioning and talking about a get-to-know-each-other gathering for some time now SO now i'd like to know if anyone can make it.. to those who are not in KL, i'm sorry if you want to come but can't make it.. we'd definately have another chance to meet up BUT to those who are in KL and interested, please do help me to set up a date AND venue..
My bb will be leaving off for work soon.. like end of the month.. and we are going back to penang like next week or the week after.. we might drive off to there on either 10th or 11th.. so, when do you guys want the gathering? before we go off to penang OR after? we also have a wedding to attend on the 19th in KL.. so, we'd be free after that..
Plus, we need to set up a venue.. i think we should have lunch or dinner.. nothing fancy BUT you can take as much pictures as you want!! lol..
Suggestions PLEASE... we REALLY want this gathering to work out.. please do co-operate with us.. a million thanks~ :)
ScoLar: Harajuku’s Unique Fashion Universe
1 week ago
hey hey.. sorry i missed the earlier one...
i guess i promised u gurl dat im gonna make to this one though....
well...let's c... my suggestion:
date: after penang n the wedding.. (perhaps on the 26th?)
venue: leave it 2 u gurl...coz i might need u to give me a ride :p
to nic and russ,
tink i read somewhere tat u guys would be heading to sunway on friday to see the skyline. i'm gonna be round that area as well.
gonna do abit of stuffs, probably can meetup wit you guys for abit and oso peek peek and learn some stuffs from russ
ooo . blogger gathering.
can I come ? I haven't met you guys before , and it'll be my first ^_^
how'd these work anyway ?
hey nic, sorry for MIAying for so damn long. I have been too occupied with work. WHY dont you suggest a date and time and venue as you already mentioned, you have so many things to do at this and that date. A little bit confuse to which date u r not here n here. Maybe u can like, state some dates for suggestions.
BTW, I went 1U on Friday too..didnt see u guys..was shopping for anniversary present +winks+
since you'll be free after 19th, then make it around there - weekends will be easy for most people i think ;)
and ya, i don't mind going to Marche again as the food there is good, nice ambiance and system.
But then again i don't mind if other venue is picked. i'm flexible ;)
okay.. let's make it on 20th? it's a sunday.. suggestion for food, pls
I will look forward to all the pic. Btw the pork dish look very tasty. Have a nice day everyone.
Hmm...sorry...dun think i can make it. Njoy urselves ya and do post more pics! :)
ill try to make it if am not flying to NY
Hi Nic, I think I'll pass this time. Won't be able to make it on the 20th. Will be in Kiasu land. Will try to meet up wit u guys on another occasion. Sorry :( Continue to post more pics ok?
i feel so bad..haha havent been visiting ur blog..i went for the street carnival 2..wahlau i seriously had no idea that bmw was a proton!..went in the afternoon..the girls were hiding..n the cars still sleeping..waste my money!..
i dont mind meeting the great zewt haha
guys, the date haven't confirm yet.. maybe later than 20th also..
joe: y did u go there in the afternoon? it only starts at 4pm til 1am.. we went there early coz we want to take some nice CAR pictures before it gets too dark AND the girls lurking out.. lol..
the people demand updates! :P
ckwei: what updates? on my blog or about the gathering?
blog of course :P how u guys are having fun.. how nice penang is etc.. pls blog more abt penang!
Hi Nicole!! Very busy?? Got any pic to post up.Have a nice day.
I won't be able to join. I am only coming back in June, maybe.
may 20th... sounds good. but not too early ya... cos i need to play football... hehe...
ok guys and girls.. can anyone make it on the 25th? friday for dinner.. OR on the 26th for lunch/dinner? i need to know who can make it or who can't.. thanks! :)
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