One thing which caught my attention was.. girls at the age between 13 til maybe about 18, they tend to ACT cute *eyes rolling* one thing which i can't stand, is that.. acting all cute.. it makes my hair on my body stand up *yikes!*
Here are some of them with their 'cutesy' pose on pictures :-

Yes, the peace sign *sigh* the peace sign pose is soooooooooooooooooooooooo long gone/outdated/old fashion/history.. don't they know? i can safely say that i've NEVER pose in that peace sign before..
ps: it's really up to them how they want to pose in pictures but i guess it's trendy now to pout your lips, to stick out your tongue, to poke a finger to your cheek and etc.. basically to act childish..
Okay, JUST to annoy you guys.. i'd show you my just-took-cute-pose pictures.. you won't find any of these pictures of me elsewhere besides here..
So enjoy it while you can :-

There! did you spilled your coffee on the keyboard? or burst out laughing? or almost choke while drinking water? hey, gimme some credit.. it's hard to act cute, you know? :p~
Bb, don't divorce me ya for acting 'cute'.. muahahahaha! i'm still your sexy lovable cute pretty beeBee after all :)
ps: okay, can somebody put a gun to my head and shoot me now?
>>ps: okay, can somebody put a gun to my head and shoot me now?
very disturbing post .... let me pull the trigger!!!!
i find this post very rude, did u ever asked those girls permission before posting their pics on yr blog? first commenting on their pose then later saying its up to them - don't get your point really. p/s: its really up to you to post whatever you want - its your blog anyway. (i thought you wouldn't mind the comment & the ps later since you think its alrite to do it).
wahahahahaha...totally agreed...!!!
aikkkkssss?I do those post too..kekekekeekekek..but to myself la..
you know what, i was going through friendster and half an hour after that, i SWEAR i am able to do 100 different kawaii-wannabe poses.
you should browse through lesbian profiles (both butch and femmes). those girls there have a whole repertoire of poses that would seriously make you cringe. i wonder whether butches know that REAL guys do not pose like that. erks.
Hahahhaha!!! Funner!!! I guess they pose for the fun of it lar. Well... still young can do that. If I do that, I think I will look like an ah sum trying to act cute. Cialat!
Its really rude to take ppl's pics without their consent.
some people pose like that just to make fun / be funny, and thats alright. But when they pose like that to try n be cute, or think of themselves like 'Oh, im so cute..' its really annoying!!!
You ppl ah, damn sensitive.. photographers dont ask permission before taking pictures of anyone, and they put them on newspapers, magazines, etc.. u think paparazi asks permission from celebrity before posting semi nude / scandal pics up?? Those pics were posted online BY THOSE PEOPLE THEMSELVES, not taken by NIC. So, everyone is free to comment on those pictures, and its just too bad for them if they dont like the truth of another person's opinion.. :P
I think whoever has anything negative to say about Nic's opinion probably poses that way too, and think they're so damn cute.. well, you're not cute & too bad! kekekeke :P
well, whoever who doesn't agree with my post then pls click the 'x' button.. it's not that i took their pictures and say really bad things about them.. accusing them of things which they didn't do.. i mean, they posted it on friendster.. so it's open for comments AND for other ppl to save their pictures or post it somewhere else
Russ: Actually, the paparazzi have a legal privilege which is known as 'journalistic privilege' and they can do so. If there is an issue, they have their specific legal defences.
The freedom to comment on pictures is legit, but as a private person who is "publishing" these pictures WITHOUT their specific consent AND making these comments, they have growns for suing you and will most likely win - defamatory comments (unless you can prove justification or truth) and publishing it - as long as you make it known to more than one person, it is publication, and a blog is a PUBLICATION.
Nicole: I understand your reasons for commenting, but you must have their permission. Their permission was given to Friendster and to their friends, and yes while it is up for people to see, it is on Friendster and you, by saving and putting up these pictures, can also be considered to be "stealing" personal data - the pictures are personal data and under international law, it is a breach of privacy - the privacy to keep that personal data in the Friendster database.
Food for thought and as they all say, it is your blog anyway.
PS: my typo mistake, it's GROUNDS for suing.
anon: i guess u're a lawyer BUT if u're not, why not become one.. u can get loads of money helping ppl to sue other ppl ;)
this post is supposed to b funny with my pictures with my 'cutesy' pose BUT then it's getting out of hand with the comments..
my next posts will be FULL of words.. yea.. i DO NOT want ppl to sue me.. i'm soooooooooooooooooooo scared.. i'm a coward chicken *cluck cluck cluck* i don't want my bb getting bankrupt and can't buy me the 350z :p
oh oh.. don't take scenery pics or pics with your celebrities or food pics or anything.. u can get sued!! every pics u take, MUST ask permission.. so before u snap a pic of your neighbour's car, ask your neighbour first okay? and if u want to snap a pic of a dog, ask the pet owner.. geddit? ;)
so, i'm gonna block any future comments about this post.. thank you
ps: so can i sue my bb for putting up MY pictures on his blog?? muahahaha!
bb, u have to get me the 350z by early next year OR else, i'll see u in court!! >.<
psssssssssst.. it's just an excuse so that i can get a new car by next year *wink*
Grounds for suing? Stealing personal data? What a load of bollocks, u been smoking waaay too much weed. Anonymous commentors dont mean nothing to me, simply because they are chicken shit. The Paparazzi have 'journalistic privilege' and we have 'freedom to blog'. Bloggers make fun of people and post various pictures of other on the net, all the time.. including pictures of politicians, they're not journalists now are they? They r bloggers. Besides, its just an example of a 'kawaii' pose, nothing more. She's not making fun of their father or turn someone into a porn star. Since ur such an expert in the legal business, why dont u give me a pic of urself, i'll post it on my blog and make fun about it, and u sue me? Easy money right? Go on then, I dare u.
Just face it buddy, you're not cute, so stop posing that way.. :P
In the mean time nic, you can delete all future anonymous comments.
anyway anon.. are u just concerned about me getting sued OR u're just trying to piss me and my hubby off?
i bet u don't read many blogs, huh?
check these out :-
there, i gave u 2 blog sites which u can bug and tell them about the suing and privilege thingy..
thank you
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